Downsizing & Move Management
It's never too early to start simplifying and right-sizing our belongings.

Need a fresh start? Ready for a change in scenery? Tired of maintenance headaches?

Is your stuff causing you stress?

Can't let go of certain items?

Overwhelmed and don't know where to start?

Let Tonya save you time & energy on this difficult undertaking! There is no time like now!
When people think about downsizing, they may instinctively picture old folks moving into senior housing, but many of my clients are just experiencing a life transition -- embarking on a new career, entering the empty nester stage, going through a divorce or combining households, or seeking a change of scenery.​
For many, downsizing is a welcome change and gives people freedom to spend their time differently. Some aren't ready to move but are interested in retrofitting their existing spaces to better suit their current lifestyle (without sacrificing the memories of raising their children). Others are more than happy to give up the maintenance headaches and hard work of maintaining a larger space and numerous belongings. Either way, downsizing is an ideal way to give yourself peace of mind that you will be confident and prepared to move when you're ready.​
One thing all downsizers have in common is a need to process, sort, disburse, distribute, and generally reduce 50% to 80% of their belongings. That is no easy feat! Many people over 50 have spent the last 20 to 30 years accumulating the things to furnish and maintain their homes, build careers, raise kids, and enjoy hobbies. Many Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers are also the stewards of family heirlooms -- furniture, housewares, memorabilia -- left to them by previous generations.​
Decluttering is most definitely easier with a helper. Even the tidiest homeowners will face a mountain of decisions and a lot of heavy lifting to complete the task. Hiring Tonya as your Professional Organizer and Move Manager can save you time, energy and unnecessary worry during a stressful process. She'll help you avoid common costly mistakes such as underestimating the time, energy and strength it takes to get things done, choosing the wrong service providers, mental and physical exhaustion, or injury from trying to everything yourself, failing to plan the whole process, and keeping too many things.
"Tonya brings a wealth of personal experience and resources to make home transitions go smoothly for people of all ages!"
"Tonya's done this before (and recently!) She can anticipate challenges, listen to your concerns, and offer patient, compassionate support.
Voice of reason
“Tonya helps you make practical decisions about what to keep and has access to the latest thinking and industry solutions.”
Tonya offers professional organizing and move management services to assist individuals and families with downsizing, relocation or simplifying their homes.

Right-sizing in Place
Organize, sort, simplify, and downsize belongings
Create inventory of belongings for insurance or future estate planning purposes
Evaluate your space and needs
Rearrange to match current lifestyle
Develop an "age in place" plan, if needed

Downsizing to Move
Organize, sort, simplify, and downsize belongings
Create inventory of belongings for insurance or estate planning purposes
Create a customized floor plan of your future space
Arrange for discards, donations, or gifting of items
Oversee move, unpack and set up new space

Distributing & Disbursing
Organize, sort, and create inventory of belongings for insurance or estate planning purposes
Get appraisals for items to sell
Coordinate donations with charities
Handle secure destruction of confidential documents
Recommend digital solutions for photos or other memorabilia

Step 1: Phone Consultation
A virtual conversation to determine if we are a match to work together -- where we learn more about each other, understand your current challenges with productivity and/or organizing, and determine if our working styles and my skills will create the best solutions for your goals.
Plan for call to take up to 25 minutes.